
Technology-Enabled local healthcare services search engine |  +91 7045478511

Every customer visiting HealWell24 is assigned a unique ID called the HealWell24 ID which is used in all communications. This is sent to the registered Email ID and is used as login credential for the member website and portal.
A family ID is a group ID which will be generated in the future linking all the members of the Family. You will be informed when the ID is available for use.
The family relations which will eligible to be enrolled for the Family ID are Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, Husband, Wife, Father-in-law, Mother-in law, Daughter- in-law and Son-in-law only.
There is an alternative option for you to log in using OTP. Once you log in using OTP, you can change your password by using the edit option (Edit icon is available ,next to your profile name)
To help you recall your Family ID, please reach out to us on +91-7045478511 / 8097386405 / 7506911346 or write into us at
You can add family members in the Family tab by providing a valid mobile number & Email ID or Patient ID.

Why should I refer my family, friends or colleagues to HealWell24?

We believe in in spreading good health by #ShowYouCare. As a token of our appreciation for every successful referral, we give you a Rs. 300 worth HealWell24/ E-commerce voucher. What’s more? The referred customer also gets Rs. 100 off on their first service.
Login to your patient portal using your registered mobile number or Patient ID. Invoice can be downloaded under the invoice tab.
Login to your patient portal using your registered mobile number or Patient ID. Reports can be downloaded under the report tab. In case you are unable to download the report, kindly get in touch with us on 18001212323 (Press 2) or write into us at

Please Note: It takes 48 - 72 hours to release the report as per test availed.
For any service availed at HealWell24, payments can be made via the following modes
  1. Credit Card
  2. Debit Card
  3. HealWell24 Wallet
  4. Net Banking
  5. Financial Wallets
  6. Cheque Payment
Login to your patient portal using your registered mobile number or Patient ID. You can view, change and cancel an appointment under the appointments tab. In case of further assistance, kindly get in touch with us on +91-7045478511 / 8097386405 / 7506911346 or write into us at
Please visit to initiate the process. T&C Apply.

Refunds will be made in the mode of payment used.
The refund will be processed through net banking which will take 7 to 10 working days as per the standard procedure.


For any service availed at HealWell24, payments can be made via the following modes

  1. Credit Card
  2. Debit Card
  3. HealWell24 Wallet
  4. Net Banking
  5. Payment wallets
You can pay for your booking in full or part by using the HealWell24 Wallet.

Example - If your HealWell24 Wallet has a balance of Rs. 1000/- and you want to initiate a payment for Rs. 1500/- , you will be prompted to pay the remaining Rs. 500/- via Credit Card, Debit Card, Net Banking, PayTM or Gift Cards.
Balance from one account cannot be transferred to another.
HealWell24 Money is a voucher presented by HealWell24, whereas HealWell24 Wallet is a pre-paid money account owned by the customer.

Please Note – HealWell24 Voucher is not eligible for a refund, and cannot be redeemed for cash.
Please visit to initiate the process. T&C Apply. Refunds will be made in the mode of payment used.